Release Logs

New updates and improvements to Release.

Third Party Private Container Registry Support

In addition to allowing users to pull container images from AWS & GCP, we now support obtaining container images in privately stored third party registries. This feature allows customers to connect to one or more private (docker) image registries. These images can then be referenced from the user's app in Release when we run a build. Enabling customers to pull from third party registries expands Release's integration offering in a seamless manner. Learn how to use it on your own here

Usage Based Billing

Release now offers usage based billing, meaning customer's are billed based on the length of time that an environment is running. With a usage based pricing model, customers are only billed based on the value derived from the platform. Release does not limit customers to the number of users nor associates additional fees with user growth, rather lowers the barrier for new customer aquisition and ties together pricing to the value of environment runtime.


  • We now uses Chargebee for billing instead of Stripe
  • Upgraded Docker Compose to support the latest version of the expose ports API
  • Added support for AWS Aurora cloning in Instant datasets to improve performance and reduce storage compared to taking a regular snapshot
  • Improved error handling when analyzing projects with Helm charts

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