Cache Bundle Install with BuildKit

Cache Bundle Install with BuildKit

Jeremy Kreutzbender
Jeremy Kreutzbender
May 1, 2023 · 4 min read

Discover how Release's ephemeral environments streamline caching for faster builds and efficient testing.

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At Release, we've been using BuildKit to do our own builds for some time now and BuildKit does an awesome job of caching Docker image layers! But one thing that continued to slow down our builds was running bundle install when upgrading gems in our Rails application. I decided to start researching if there was any way that we could cache our bundle install commands over many builds because a cold bundle install is very slow, but incremental changes are quite fast. In my search, I came across a KubeCon video about BuildKit, "Running Cache-Efficient Builds at Scale on Kubernetes with BuildKit - Gautier Delorme, Apple Inc." which had a very interesting slide.

This is exactly the type of solution I was looking for and it comes built in with BuildKit!

Let's take a look at an example from the mount cache documentation to start.

Example: cache Go packages

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1

FROM golang
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/go-build \
  go build ...

In this example, the go build command uses the /root/.cache/go-build directory to store the packages in between builds. Because the output of go build is a binary and does not require anything to run besides that binary, this example makes correct use of the cache. If we think of the cache directory as a named volume from the host server into the container we can create a picture of how this example works. When go build is run, the cache directory is populated on the host server and the resulting binary ends up in the container. The problem is that this mount cache functionality wasn't built with the idea that the packages in the cache needed to be pulled into the resulting image.

To solve this problem I continued my search and came across this issue on the BuildKit repository, "Am I misunderstanding RUN mount=type=cache?". The writer of the issue explains how this functionality isn't working with bundle install and is trying to figure out what to do. In one of the answers a link to blog post in Japanese is provided, "Dockerfile for Rails6のベストプラクティスを解説". A Dockerfile is provided in the post, which has the solution we've been searching for.

RUN bundle config set app_config .bundle
RUN bundle config set path .cache/bundle

# mount cacheを利用する

RUN --mount=type=cache,uid=1000,target=/app/.cache/bundle \
    bundle install && \
    mkdir -p vendor && \
    cp -ar .cache/bundle vendor/bundle
RUN bundle config set path vendor/bundle

Now that we know what the solution is, let's go through it line by line to make sure we fully understand what is happening.


First, we set the working directory for the Dockerfile to app

RUN bundle config set app_config .bundle

Next, we set Bundler's config to the .bundle directory.

RUN bundle config set path .cache/bundle

Then, we set Bundler's path .cache/bundle which is the directory the gems will be installed into.

RUN --mount=type=cache,uid=1000,target=/app/.cache/bundle \
    bundle install && \
    mkdir -p vendor && \
    cp -ar .cache/bundle vendor/bundle

Now the important part! We use the --mount=type=cache and set the cache to be the same location as Bundler's path. But a key here is to include the WORKDIR path so it becomes target=/app/.cache/bundler. This means our directory of installed gems will be persisted from build to build. We run bundle install to install the gems and then create a vendor directory. The last step here is to copy .cache/bundle into vendor/bundle because, if you recall from the Go example, the contents of the cache are not included in the layer.

RUN bundle config set path vendor/bundle

Finally we set Bundler's path to the directory we copied the files into and we're good to go.

And now we fully understand what is happening! To wrap up, there are a few final points to cover. The first is that the code above is not quite ideal. It works, but it is missing a few options to add some safety and reliability. There will be a full example shown below.

The mount cache accepts an id as a parameter. The documentation says:

Optional ID to identify separate/different caches. Defaults to the value of the target.

Setting an ID is valuable if there are potentially lots of Dockerfiles running on the same BuildKit server who might be attempting to use the same cache location; imagine if two different Rails projects started sharing the same directory!

Which leads us to the second parameter of sharing. The documentation says:

One of shared, private, or locked. Defaults to shared. A shared cache mount can be used concurrently by multiple writers. private creates a new mount if there are multiple writers. locked pauses the second writer until the first one releases the mount.

We want to opt for sharing=locked meaning that if two builds of the same Dockerfile are running at the same time, only one can access the cache at a time. This ensures that the output of bundle install won't be mangled when the cp command is issued.

This is our suggestion for a full solution.

RUN gem install Bundler
RUN bundle config set app_config .bundle
RUN bundle config set path .cache/bundle
COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./
RUN --mount=type=cache,id=-gem-cache,sharing=locked,target=/app/.cache/bundle \
bundle install && \
  mkdir -p vendor && \
  cp -ar .cache/bundle vendor/bundle
RUN bundle config set path vendor/bundle

If you would like to read more about how the caching works, there is an issue on the BuildKit repository, "mount=type=cache more in-depth explanation?" that has a great discussion on how this functionality actually works.

And if you would like to apply this caching mechanism to your build process, sign-up for Release and take advantage of our BuildKit servers!

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Discover how Release's ephemeral environments streamline caching for faster builds and efficient testing.

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